Beth Engelman and Jenna Riggs are the dynamic duo behind Mommy on a Shoestring. These ladies have the line on free family activities and crafts for kids. Beth gets a lot of national media attention too. Since they blog regularly and we ported over 500+ posts from their old html site into WordPress, we chose to use a Pinterest-style of blog layout on the homepage and to make it fully responsive using Pageline’s new DMS (Design Management System).

Thank you so much for redesigning our website. Not in a million years could I imagine it would look so amazing. The new design is clean and fresh and the user experience has increased ten-fold. Throughout the process, you’ve had an uncanny knack for anticipating our needs. Your patience, expertise and acute attention to detail were of paramount importance as we identified our overall objective and decided on areas we most needed to showcase.

As a gal who isn’t very comfortable with “all things tech,” I was so appreciative of our one-on-one time where you helped me navigate through WordPress until I felt competent enough to work on it alone! When we first started this project I was concerned, because it was hard to let go of our old website. It was “our baby” and seemed to function just fine. But the compliments, comments and increase in clients are just a few reminders why change it good.

—Beth Engelman
Freelance writer and columnist at Sun-Times Media
Co-founder  MommyOnAShoestring
Site retired 2020